Grand Mill Funding Corp Investor Relationship Opportunities

Investor Relationship Opportunities
We provide our Investor base with opportunities to place funds into the Debt Capital Arena, and generate consistent non-equity returns, tied to GMFC Client based Funding arrangements, across a variety of deals, ranging from Inventory Factoring, a unique offering from GMFC, to Traditional Purchase Order Funding, and Accounts Receivable Factoring, with recourse. GMFC Funding transactions are entered into, without compromising principals, reputation, or mutual prosperity.
Risk Mitigation
Our first priority is risk mitigation, achieved through balanced pricing to cultivate Client relationships, offering our proprietary Inventory Factoring Software capabilities, to enhance Client revenue coupled with ancillary services including Merchant Services Processing, and Payroll Services.
Cloud Based Investor Portal
Through our Cloud Based Investor Portal, via secure login and password sign in, you are able to view and manage your Invested Debt Capital accounts 24/7/365, with your ability to view, track, and import data made simple and easy. Our suite of services and professional asset management will contribute to your balanced ROI, as a sophisticated investor. Email our investor relations director Chuck West.
Investor Mission Statement
“To attract Investor debt capital, maintain high deployment of Investor funds to broad Client base, generating acceptable Investor returns.”